Changing residences and moving to another part of Australia is pretty standard. Most families have experienced this in one way or another. It is easy to lose things, misplace them, or inadvertently leave them behind. Some objects may break. However, this should not be the norm.

With the proper planning and the help of an experienced removalist from Vaz Power, these potential problems can be avoided, leading to hassle-free house moving.

Common Challenges Families Face When Moving

Common Challenges Families Face When Moving

There are plenty of reasons why changing residences can be problematic for families. Here are the challenges families face when moving:

Keeping Routines Intact

Family life is built upon routine. However, a removal entails a change in routine for several days. Before the removal, the house items and personal belongings have to be packed in secure containers. While packing, it is best to sort things and decide which items will be left behind or given away. For younger family members, this can be emotional because they cannot let go of their things. In the meantime, there is a break in routine because the household members have to help with the packing.

Emotional and Behavioural Effects on Children

Moving is principally a change in environment. It forces the family to leave behind a familiar, established space. Children will leave their school and their friends. It would take some time before children could be comfortable in their new school and new home. The effect on children will show in some form of anxiety, sadness, or even anger. Children will take a longer time to adjust to their new home.

Packing Simultaneously as Parenting Duties

Packing personal belongings is challenging. This chore must also be done while following established routines. Parents pack while also cleaning the house, doing the laundry, and caring for the kids. Packing is a priority and must be finished before the scheduled removal, but life does not stop just because parents are packing things. Alternatively, the removalists can pack it. Our family-owned and operated company provides a packing and unpacking option for families.

Transferring Schools

Children have to move schools when changing addresses. This brings its transitions and stress that children must adjust to. School-age children spend more of their waking time at school, and moving is a big disruption to their routine, which leads to increased anxiety.

Sorting Through Belongings

Packing things is an opportunity to decide what comes with you and what stays or is left behind. The activity also brings its own stress because the owner is faced with the decision to let go of items. For children, there is a strong attachment to their belongings; this can be a gut-wrenching decision.

Adjusting to a New Community

Next is a time to adjust to the new neighbourhood and for the locals to adapt to the latest arrivals. Integrating into the neighbourhood also requires an introduction to the local culture. In a friendly neighbourhood, this can be as easy as a literal walk in the park or joining a sports club. Either way, there will be pressure to fit in for the new arrivals. The neighbourhood does not need to adjust to them.

Logistical Challenges on Moving Day

Logistical Challenges on Moving Day

Removalists are professionals and show it because they are well-used to assisting their customers’ moves. They can lead the way in terms of any logistical challenge. However, the family will still encounter other logistical challenges. The best that the family can do is ask for help from their removalist company and depend on them to ensure that removal logistics are properly set.

Before the Move

If you spend more time preparing for the move, there will be less stress and hassle afterwards. This is a basic tenet in most projects, and you should treat a removal as a project. Here are a few preparatory steps that can ease the stress of transition:

Family Meeting

A family meeting does not have to be serious. It can be a 15-minute affair with prepared to-do lists or an hour with diagrams. The point of the meeting is to set expectations, lay out the schedules and tasks, and assign roles. It is also a time to talk to the children about the forthcoming changes.

Assigning Tasks and Roles

These don’t need to be complex rules, but the family members should understand they are expected to contribute. It is also necessary to emphasize that if the tasks are not appropriately done, some items or tasks may be left undone.

Sorting and Decluttering

The family members should know which items they are willing to let go. These are to be left behind or thrown in the recycle bin. They are also tasked with putting their belongings in their proper boxes, labelled for ownership and where the boxes are to be stored in the new house.

A Comprehensive Checklist

The checklist ensures that all the boxes are properly tagged and identified for moving. If it is not in the checklist, then it’s not in the move. The removalists should also be given a copy of the checklist. With two copies of the checklist, it is easier to double-check upon pickup and delivery.

It is essential to let the removalists do their job and for the family to have minimal work during the move. Leave the stress to Vaz Power and let them do their job.

Settling In

For all the stress of the move, it’s time to get settled in the moment your belongings are in the new house. You can reinstate the old routines, adjusting as necessary for the latest home and neighbourhood. Try to get to know the neighbours, and have the children make friends at school. They don’t need to be monitored, but talking to them and getting their feedback will help get your family life back to normal.

For all your removalist needs, remember to call on Vaz Power. Family cooperation is great, but if you need professional help for this big move, don’t hesitate to call the experts!